Thursday, April 22, 2010

Loving Kindness Meditation

I have been practicing meditation for over 25 years and appreciate its importance in one's overall well being. There are extraordinary benefits for those who make meditation a part of their day to day life. It can be as simple as focusing on the rhythm of your breath for five minutes three times a day. You will find that meditation will take you to silence, clear your mind, and promote clarity and calmness in your life.

I conducted the following guided meditation for my clients who are going through divorce and are in conflict with their spouses,(and life in general.) It was such a powerful experience for these individuals that I thought it would be beneficial to share it with all who visit my blog.

Loving Kindness Meditation
A Buddhist Practice

I recommend learning the mantra in advance and begin your meditation by sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed in silence. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Focus on your breath. Let your breath find its own natural, steady rhythm; settling into the stillness of your heart.

A. / Recite this mantra silently to yourself several times while breathing in and breathing out.

“May I dwell in my heart.
May I be free from suffering.
May I be healed.
May I be at peace.”

B. / Now replace "I" with the name of the person who is closest to you and repeat the mantra several times using this name.

C. / While Breathing in and breathing out, substitute this name with the name of someone you know but are not close to. Repeat this mantra several times remaining focused on your breath.

D. / Extend this mantra further by replacing this person’s name with the image of a person you encounter once in a while but do not know his or her name. Repeat several times, breathing in and breathing out.

E. / Now substitute this image with the name of the person you are having conflict with. Repeat this mantra several times while focusing on your breath.

Notice how your energy and emotions have shifted.

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